Cork Entertainment News

Computer whizzes brainstorm for cash at hackathons

Computer whizzes brainstorm for cash at hackathons … show “Snake Salvation” has died after being bitten by a snake during a weekend church service in Kentucky. AP National News VideoMore>> …See all stories on this topic Egypt: Suicide bomber behind tourist bus attack The Koreans were two guides and a tourist, the Korean news agency […]

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Gay-rights activist detained at Olympic Park

Gay-rights activist detained at Olympic Park … offices, Zumba classes – to spend three days packing food for thousands of hungry children they'll never meet. AP National News VideoMore>> …See all stories on this topic Mary Grace Canfield, who played Ralph Monroe on TV's "Green Acres," dies at 89 This photo from the 1960s provided […]

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Al Jarreau, Stanley Clarke to pay tribute to George Duke at Playboy Jazz Festival in June

Al Jarreau, Stanley Clarke to pay tribute to George Duke at Playboy Jazz Festival in June Singer Al Jarreau and bassist Stanley Clarke will celebrate the life of their friend and musical partner George Duke at the opening concert of the 36th …See all stories on this topic Egypt: Sinai bombing raises worries on tourism […]

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London Fashion Week Day 4: A-listers drop in at Burberry, Tom Ford, Christopher Kane

London Fashion Week Day 4: A-listers drop in at Burberry, Tom Ford, Christopher Kane Models wear designs created by Tom Ford during London Fashion Week Autumn/Winter 2014, at Lindley Hall in central London, Monday, Feb.See all stories on this topic Costas returns to Olympic coverage … would rather bundle up, drive to a shopping center […]

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10 Things to Know for Today

10 Things to Know for Today Your daily look at late-breaking news, upcoming events and the stories that will be talked about today: 1. ETHIOPIAN AIRLINES CO-PILOT HIJACKS …See all stories on this topic Chelsea Clinton says gay rights have made progress … his tiny Minnesota hometown was celebrating the Olympic success of yet another […]

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